Is this your first time consuming cannabis and are unsure what to do? Have no worries! You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll go over all the activities we like to do while medicating. In doing so, we will help you come up with a plan to enjoy your cannabis to its fullest extent. Whether you are indoors or outdoors, we have a full list of our favorite activities to do while high.

Step One – Preparing For Your First Time

This is the first question you should ask yourself before medicating for the first time. Whether this is your first time medicating, or you are an avid cannabis consumer, we advise that you always triple check your schedule, and make sure you have done everything you need to do before getting baked. It is not only the responsible thing to do, but you will definitely thank yourself for doing it.

Step Two – Preparing to Medicate

If you have never consumed cannabis and are going to try to get stoned for the first time, we recommend that you plan on staying in a controlled environment such as the safety of your own home in order to minimize any chances of you having a bad experience. Even if this isn’t your first time medicating, and you are worried about getting too high, it is best to consume cannabis in a familiar place.

Step Three – Try Starting at Home

When people consume cannabis, we must remember that we may all react differently. When you are getting high at home, you should prepare and make sure you have everything you could possibly need in the event of having a bad time while stoned. Having access to drinking water for cotton mouth, a place to sleep off the high, and a calming activity to ease any unwanted paranoia are all a part of being prepared for the worst case scenario. This is not meant to scare you. We want to make sure you enter your cannabis high with confidence and know that you have everything you need.

Step Four – The Buddy System

Remember, no one has ever overdosed from cannabis, and you can ensure yourself that within the safety of your own home, you are going to be okay. If you feel like you need someone with you, having a sober friend or family member that you can trust while you get high is another great way to ensure you having the best experience possible. If your friend or family member is able to enjoy getting stoned with you, even better! Just remember, you know where your level of comforts are, and depending on your context will determine how you want to go about your preparation. You are in control!

Now that you have everything you need for getting high, let’s go over some activities for you to do while indoors.

Step Five – You’re High.. Now What?

Being medicated is great for those who thrive in it. If this is you, we have an entire list of activities you can enjoy while being high in the comfort of your home, or a friend or family member’s home. Whether it be watching something on TV, playing a game, or keeping your mind occupied with an easy task, you can find the right activity for you to enjoy.

Watching a Movie While Stoned

Not only are movies a great form of entertainment, but they are an escape from our realities and into the mind of someone else’s. When you are high, these sensations may be magnified, and you may find a different sense of enjoyment from watching movies or a television series. Who knows, it may seem like you are re-watching your favorite movies for the first time! If you are interested in knowing what are the best movies to watch while high, we recommend checking out our blog!

Playing Board Games or Video Games

Whether you are alone or with someone else consuming cannabis, playing a board game or video game is a great way to spend your time being stoned. As a matter of fact, when it comes to video games, especially the competitive ones, many people report performing better in playing video games while high than they would have being sober. Are you one of the lucky ones?


Is watching TV or playing games too much while being high? Do you need to do something creative and you have an itch to make your own masterpiece? Don’t let us stop you! Painting, drawing, writing, or just generally creating art is a fantastic way to enjoy being baked. Many artists find that medicating on cannabis allows for a different creative outlook on the world, which may drastically change the way they create their art.

Cleaning the House

All of the previously listed activities may sound great, but what if your guilty conscience is getting the best of you, and your dirty dishes in the sink are calling to you? If you are the type of person who finds meditation in productivity, cleaning your home may be a great way of really zoning into your high while creating tangible results in your life. Cleaning your home is just one example. If there is anything you feel you need to get up and work on, let that high enable you!

We have now gone over a long but boundless list of indoor activities for you to enjoy while being absolutely baked. However, if these indoor activities are still not up your alley – you are meant for the outdoors, and that is where we want to take you.

What to do Outdoors While High?

There are a seemingly infinite amount of ways to go about being stoned. If we are able to think of countless activities to do indoors, what we can do outdoors must be even more endless. Being outdoors doesn’t mean you have to do something physically active. There are plenty of places to go and experience without exercise. However, we want to start off by listing some of our most active activities yet.

Going on a Walk

Ready to venture out from your home? Let us aid you with your journey. Going for a walk around your neighborhood, such as long as it is safe, is a great way of getting exercise and enjoying your high. Walking is a relaxing physical activity, and if you have someone to join you, can be even more enjoyable. Even if you know your neighborhood like the back of your hand, you may notice something new while being high!

Playing Sports

Walking is nice, but you are ready to get your heart pumping. When exercising, many people report that consuming cannabis prior to physical activity may not help them increase their maximum strength, but prolong their endurance. That goes without saying that lifting heavy objects and operating any vehicles or heavy machinery is something you should never do while being high. If you want to get some exercise while being high, we recommend any sport or activity that does not require heavy lifting such as working out with weights. The less variables, the better while being high. You want to minimize your risk of injury as you aren’t sober. When engaging in high-performance sports and athletics, it is best to have as clear and sober of a mind as possible. That all being said, you know your level of comforts better than anyone else, and you should use your best judgement in determining whether or not any activity is safe for you.

All of that physical activity is nice, but you want to go outdoors and experience something without having to catch your breath. Now, we want to begin discussing the best places to go while being stoned.

Where to go While High?

Depending on where you live, you will have a wide variance of places for you to see and explore. Nonetheless, we have come up with a general list of places you can hopefully see in your local area that we also enjoy seeing while being high. We want to preface with a warning and reminder that you should never operate any vehicles of any kind while high. Even though consuming cannabis may be legal in your area, it is still illegal to drive under the influence. When going from one location to another, make sure to always have a designated sober driver. Now that we are being safe and cautious, and you are comfortable with being high in public, let’s begin our adventure!

Visiting An Art Gallery

Any art galleries, big or small, local or world renounced, are terrific outlets for a high experience. Regardless on if you live in a small town or a metropolitan city, art is all around you. Lose yourself in a local gallery, or find yourself walking down an art district with vendors right off the sidewalk. Viewing art of any kind is highly recommended when you are baked.

Getting High at a Restaurant

The munchies are kicking in, and you have been craving that one dish for weeks. It is time to go to that restaurant you have always wanted to go to. What better way to eat some delicious food than to have it while being high and in full fledged munchie mode? Whether you are going to a drive through at midnight, or going to a Michelin star establishment, food while being stoned tastes simply incredible.

Attending a Concert

The finale of your day may be attending a music concert or show while high. If you are lucky to catch a concert and are able to bring in one of our pods, you are in luck. Your music going experience is about to be taken to higher planes once you get your groove on while being stoned on Mints.

We hope that you have been able to find more than enough to do while being high. If not, we hope this helped inspire you to plan out the best list of activities for you to do while stoned. If you are all planned out and ready to stock up for your journey, make sure to check out our shop!

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