Since the legal loophole in the 2018 Farm Bill, there are now countless hemp-derived cannabinoid products you can now use to get high. Here is a guide to all of the federally legal cannabinoids you can buy right now, and what you should look out for while using these products.
Introduction to Different Cannabinoids
As federal legalization for marijuana has yet to see the light of day, federally legal hemp-derived cannabinoids are taking the cannabis market to new heights while providing those in illegal states a legal hemp alternative to medicate. Now in 2022, people in states where weed is considered a controlled substance can get high, or at least relaxed, off of hemp-derived delta 8 THC products from a quick trip to the gas station, or hemp-derived delta-8 and delta-9 products online or even in the metaverse.
With so many cannabinoids to choose from, such as long as they are derived from hemp, you can experience more than just CBD, and have a more psychoactive experience with other cannabinoids like HHC, or THCV. However, if you are a CBD purist, we recommend you also check out CBN and CBG, two other cannabinoids that are not as psychoactive, and also provides similar benefits as CBD.
The Endocannabinoid System
All of these cannabinoids are experienced differently based on how they react with our endocannabinoid system within our bodies. All cannabinoids, whether they be from cannabis, or synthetically manufactured, all causes a reaction with our endocannabinoid system.
Is Weed Legal?
Understanding the differences in hemp and marijuana and their legalities on both a state and federal level is important to know whether or not a specific cannabinoid is legal in your area. As it stands, industrial hemp, legally defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC, is federally legal thanks to the Agriculture Improvement Act, also known as the farm bill in 2018. Anything above this small threshold is considered to be marijuana, a schedule I controlled substance. Fortunately, with the legality of hemp, lesser known cannabinoids found in both hemp and marijuana have been able to take to the stage in the marketplace and has given us an even greater understanding of cannabis than ever before.
Since the passing of the 2018 farm bill, hemp-derived cannabinoids have been a free for all and a race to who can produce the best hemp-derived products on the market. Until the farm bill is renewed in September 2023, hemp-derived cannabinoids will remain at the center of the cannabis market.
For consumers, the farm bill allows everyone to consume hemp-derived cannabinoids such as long as they do not contain more than 0.3% delta 9. That means if you are in a state where marijuana is illegal, you may have a psychoactive alternative with hemp-derived products.
List of Cannabinoids
Now, let’s go over all of the different cannabinoids that are sprouting about and really dive into what they do.
Delta-9 THC
What it is: Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9 THC or THC) is the cannabinoid responsible for getting you high, and is most commonly found in marijuana plants. To be more specific, delta-9 THC is what makes you intoxicated, but delta-9 THCA is the cannabinoid originally found in the plant. When THCA is heated up through vaporization, combustion, or decarboxylized into edibles, the molecule is converted into THC.
Legal status: THC is currently legal in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Although the federal limit for delta 9 is 0.3% by weight, delta 9 edibles like gummies are still accessible.
What it is: Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most common cannabinoid found in hemp and marijuana plants. It is non-psychoactive, and is reported to help with sleep, pain, and anxiety.
Legal status: CBD is legal in all states with the 2018 farm bill.
Delta-8 THC
What it is: Delta-8 THC is another form of THC that many people call “delta 9’s younger sibling or cousin” due to its less intense high. That being said, do not let delta 8 fool you, as it is still intoxicating like delta 9, and most of all, is commonly hemp-derived, making it completely legal on a federal level.
Is it legal? Although delta 8 THC may be legal federally, states are cracking down on the psychoactive cannabinoid to include it with delta 9 as a regulated or controlled substance. Make sure to check with your state’s laws to see if delta 8 is legal for you to consume.

What it is: Cannabinol (CBN) is an ever so slightly psychoactive cannabinoid, and is a biproduct of THC breaking down over time. Many report CBN to be incredibly body numbing and relaxing, and may be responsible for giving you the “couch lock” effect, especially when consuming old weed.
Is it legal? CBN is currently legal in all states as long as it is derived from hemp.
What it is: CBG (cannabigerol) that has very little research behind it. Since it is commonly found with delta 9, it is difficult to isolate and test its effects. Many believe CBG is non-psychoactive, and does not have the same impairing effects as delta 9.
Is it legal? CBG is legal in all states as long as there is no delta 9 THC.
Delta-10 THC
What it is: Delta-10 THC is another isomer of delta 9, and also contains psychoactive properties. When consumed, many report delta 10 as having a more uplifting and energizing experience than other forms of THC.
Is it legal? Delta 10 is legal as long as it is derived from hemp and complies with state laws.
THC-O Acetate
What it is: THC-O acetate (also known as THC-O) is a completely synthetic cannabinoid that cannot be found in cannabis plants. By combining THC with acetic anhydride, a more “potent” molecule is created. Due to its unnatural process, it is recommended to take great caution if you choose to consume THC-O.
Is it legal? Since THC-O is not delta 9, it is federally legal under the current farm bill.
What it is: HHC is similar to THC-O in that it is a synthetically produced cannabinoid. However, unlike THC-O, HHC is created by combining THC with a hydrogen molecule. Like THC, HHC is also intoxicating, and produces similar effects.
Is it legal? Currently, HHC is more accessible than delta 8, as states have called out delta 8 specifically for regulation, while HHC is still in the clear.
What it is: Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THC-P) was recently discovered by accident in a lab and has been tested on animals to suggest it being nearly 30 times more reactive to endocannabinoid receptors than THC. That means THC-P may be the ultimate cannabinoid to medicate with. That being said, since its recent development, there is still much to learn about this molecule.
Is it legal? Yes. THC-P is legal under the 2018 farm bill.
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