If you have been on social media in the past five years, you may have noticed the rise of influencers as one of the hottest careers around. Within the influencer industry, a growing niche has hit the mainstream. Now, you will see all of your favorite celebrities medicating on cannabis products on every platform. People from every background who consume hemp or marijuana are branding themselves as an influencer for this trending life style. Among the many, we want to cover one polarizing internet personality that is making his mark. MrTHC, a cannabis influencer with over half a million subscribers on YouTube, has paved the way for countless people to pursue a career in getting paid to smoke weed.

Your Favorite Cannabis Influencer’s Favorite Cannabis Influencer

Every influencer has been inspired by at least one other person. For MrTHC, his inspiration stemmed from an early age. We had the pleasure to speak with MrTHC on his upbringing and how he managed to position himself as a cannabis figure. For about half an hour, MrTHC discussed his childhood all the way to where he is currently in his life. “My famliy grew up really poor,” MrTHC began to say, “growing up, we only had top ramen for at least four days out of the week.” Despite his living situation, he was fortunate to have quickly found his natural talent.

The Dawn of MrTHC

A camera was all he needed to strike gold. “When I was 10 years old, my mom gave me a webcam from a yard sale and had hooked it up to our computer,” MrTHC said. “YouTube was a new thing at the time, and with a webcam, my friends and I would film skits just like the ones online. From his time spent working with recording videos and creating content all throughout his childhood and time in high school, the path couldn’t have been clearer. “After I graduated high school, I saw Wiz Khalifa’s vlogs of him smoking with his friends and knew that I may not be able to rap like him, but I can for sure put myself in front of a camera.” For MrTHC, documenting a cannabis lifestyle was a natural choice. At that moment, he quickly began filming his smoking sessions with friends in his home town, and eventually moved to Los Angeles to further his brand.

the dawn of mr thc

Once he had moved to Los Angeles, MrTHC did not have any means of transportation, and was in a position of surviving every day financially by constantly putting out content and landing sponsorships. Adapting to the new environment and furthering his brand was the only choice he had. MrTHC’s willingness and perseverance to focus on his platforms and manifest the millions of views across all of his videos and posts.

mr thc wants to light up with you

Throughout his internet career, MrTHC has put the care and attention into not only his fans, but also his peers. His countless collaborations with other influencers combined with his richly produced videos and posts allowed MrTHC to grow exponentially. Over the past three years, MrTHC has grown from zero to 567,000 subscribers on YouTube with over 40 million views.

Among all the cannabis influencers online, MrTHC is the leading influencer in truly motivating people to pursue internet fame through cannabis. From his engagements with fans, countless work alongside other influencers and brands, it is no surprise as to why many ask the question, “how do you get paid to smoke?” More often than not, we will see content of MrTHC collaborating with another influencer he inspired. Once he arrived in southern California, MrTHC realized his true place in the world wide web. “Inspiring others, especially the ones who think they will never have a chance and are against all odds, are the ones I want to show that you can truly do anything if you set your mind to it. I want to be that beacon of hope for people.”

MrTHC Wants to Light up With You!

Whether you are a stranger on the street, or a fan at a meet and greet, MrTHC goes out of his way to medicate with everyone around. As person of the people, MrTHC continues to post content with friends and people he has never met before.


Throughout MrTHC’s films, you will notice that he is no stranger to strangers. In a series of videos, MrTHC has the public try Mints pods for the first time. From north to southern California, people walking on the streets of the most popular places will have heard and had the pleasure of getting high with MrTHC.

MrTHC: The Latest Scoop

The rise of MrTHC continues and can be followed on every major social media outlet. Now, while living with his family back in his home town, MrTHC believes he is in a position where he is able to provide for the people he cares about, but must continue to work hard in order to maintain his brand. “I am in a position where I am surrounded by the people I love and who love me.” MrTHC explains how he is grateful for where his life has taken him so far despite the pressure of supporting his family by working toward his next collaboration or producing his next content online.

Now, after years of trying out thousands of different types of cannabis products, MrTHC is finally marking his flag and putting his name behind a marijuana strain he truly believes in. If you check his videos on YouTube, you will see one MrTHC’s latest post releasing his newest strain of marijuana called Motitas. Do not be surprised if Motitas is hard to come by, as the THC Family, MrTHC’s loyal fan base, will be well ahead of the curve in knowing how to get this coveted strain.

the dawn of mr thc

When we had the chance to sit down and meet this viral content creator, we understood that like many of us, this person has a loving soul, and is doing his best to navigate this world while taking care of his loved ones. At the end of the day, no matter what MrTHC produces, his intention is to inspire you to get up, live your dreams, and give back.

Want to read more

What is Delta 8 THC? How it Revolutionized the Cannabis Industry

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