Mints Brand Blog | Hemp Products, Weed, Culture, & Politics
Educate yourself on everything related to hemp products, cannabis culture, politics, and stay up to date with daily news. Understand the different cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant and how they effect you.
Hemp vs Marijuana
You may have heard news about the legality of marijuana, and are wondering how companies are able to send products directly to consumers. That is because these companies are providing hemp...
Is HHC Safe?
You may have heard of a seemingly new cannabinoid online that claims to be legal in all 50 states. This cannabinoid is called HHC, and is a synthetic derivative of delta-9 THC. LIttle you may...
Does Delta 8 Get You High?
There are a lot of articles discussing Delta 8, but we are here to provide the truth with Delta 8 and correct any misinformation out there. In the ever expanding world of hemp and cannabis, a...
What Gets you Higher? Delta 8 or Delta 9?
If you are trying to find out whether or not Delta 8 gets you high, and have taken an interest in Delta 8, you probably already know that Delta 9 THC is. You may have even tried cannabis or...
Can You Fly With Delta 8 THC?
As hemp derived products become more and more popular, and while the holidays are right around the corner, we cannot help but think about how we can get our Delta 8 products from point A to...
Does Delta 8 Give You Munchies?
It’s about that time of the year: stuffing ourselves to the brim with food! With the holidays around the corner, it may be good to know a certain detail about Delta 8 that you may have not...
Delta-8 THC VS Delta-10 THC
What is Delta 10 THC? How does it relate to Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC? Is Delta 10 safe? These are just a few questions you may have asked yourself when you first heard about Delta 10. This...
Delta 8 vs HHC vs THC-O
Delta 8 vs HHC vs THC-O What's the Difference? HHC? THC-O? What’s next? There are so many cannabinoids out there, it is difficult to keep up! Everyday, there seems to be a new cannabinoid in...
Delta 8 and the DEA
In this article, we want to answer a question many of you may be asking yourselves. How does the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) feel about Delta 8? Is Delta 8 a controlled substance? Working...
How to Vape Delta 8 for Beginners
Is Vaping Delta 8 similar to Delta 9? Vaping Delta 8 is similar to Delta 9 in how you use the products, but the effects are drastically different. If you haven’t used any Delta 8 vapes, or any...
Delta 8 Vapes vs Edibles
If you have been recently introduced to Delta 8, you may have also heard of Delta 8 vaporizers and edibles. Besides how you consume it, vapes and edibles are incredibly different in their...
What is Delta 8?
We all know what Delta-9 THC (D9 or Δ9) is. But there is a new cannabinoid that is hitting the market by storm. That is Delta-8 THC (D8 or Δ8), the hottest thing since Delta-9 THC and arguably...
Delta 8 and Drug Tests
If you are deciding whether or not Delta 8 THC is right for you and your legal or employment matters, or wondering how Delta 8 reacts with drug tests, then you have come to the right place....
What Makes Delta 8 THC Legal?
Why is Delta 8 THC Legal? For states that have banned Delta-9 THC and cannabis products, there may be a legal solution to consume THC. Delta-8 THC, a cannabinoid that is derived from hemp, has...
How to Properly Store Your Delta 8 Products
Have you ever asked yourself, Why is my Delta-8 changing color? or What is the shelf life of Delta-8? If you are having any of these types of questions while consuming your Delta-8, you have...
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